Coming Back To League Bowling After A Break By John Gaines

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Coming Back To League Bowling After A Layoff

If you took some time off, here are a couple of tips to help you get back into the “swing” of things quickly.

Take Your Ball Into The Pro Shop And Have Them Check The Fit.

You might be surprised how much your hand can change from taking a couple months off. Also, if you have finger inserts in your ball, make sure they feel good and fit properly. The beginning of league season is always a good time to start out with a fresh set of finger inserts.

Get Your Bowling Ball Back To “Like New” Condition And Performance

Have your pro shop professional inspect the surface of the bowling ball. Many people fail to take care of their equipment near the end of their league season. Now is a good time to have your ball professionally cleaned or resurfaced.

Check Out What New Bowling Ball Releases Have Came To Market

The summer months are also when manufacturers introduce new bowling balls and products to the pro shops to be ready for the winter season. Check with your pro shop professional to see if there is something new that might fit your game better than what you currently have. If it’s been a couple years since drilling a new ball, now might be the time.

Ease Back Into Bowling With Warm Ups And / Or A Lesson

Even if your equipment is in good working order and fitting properly, remember you took the summer off. Take your time when warming up. Stretch a little. Don’t go too fast. Especially that first week. Just work on a nice smooth tempo. If after a few weeks things still aren’t coming together, maybe it’s time to find a qualified bowling instructor. It may only take one session. Having a trained eye help you and create a practice plan can be extremely beneficial.

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