DV8 Thug Life and Deviant available today from BowlersMart.com

learn about the DV8 Thug Life and Deviant bowling balls

Introducing the DV8 Thug Life and Deviant bowling ballS

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Today is the day the Thug Life and Deviant hit the stores and the website. The blue/silver/neon green Thug Life features a Composite Pearl coverstock matched with the Thug Low RG asymmetric core to provide impressive length with plenty of backend bite. The Thug Life produces excellent length with impressive backend reaction making it an excellent option for playing open angles and deeper inside lines.

Pick up a DV8 Thug Life Bowling Ball here from BowlersMart.com

Not to be out shadowed is the DV8 Deviant. The black/dark red Deviant features our new Composite V Solid coverstock matched with the new Deviant symmetric core to provide incredible all-purpose ball motion with nasty backend flip. The Deviant offers amazing versatility for a wide variety of bowling styles.

Pick up a DV8 Deviant Bowling Ball today at BowlersMart.com

Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $144.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $154.95.
Original price was: $279.95.Current price is: $189.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $159.95.
Original price was: $279.95.Current price is: $189.95.
Original price was: $249.99.Current price is: $144.95.
Original price was: $279.95.Current price is: $154.95.

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