Radical Bowling Releases Info On New Fix Technology BowlersMart.com

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“Pretty unique offering here form Radical, a ball that will allow you tons of drilling options and shapes for many different styles.”
~ Mike Leviner – Manager BowlersMart Charlotte 10 Park Lanes

The Fix, featuring a breakthrough technology with the shape shifter core. The shape shifter core offers unique options allowing the Fix to be a symmetrical or asymmeterical ball.
Simply select the drill pattern for the core type you want.
Sometimes a low rev player can use a little help, this style will have no problem splitting racks with the asymmetrical drillings offered with the shape shifter core.

A tweener can use it also to open up the lane like a power player but also can use symmetrical layout to stay a bit straighter through the front but still get a nice angular reaction.

With a high rev rate a higher rev rate can use the asymmetrical to increase angle on heavier oil. They can also drill it symmetrical for a sooner and smoother yet somewhat angular reaction without the fear of over reaction. Gives a higher rev rate guy the control of symmetrical with the power of an asymmetrical ball.

Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $169.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $154.95.
Original price was: $279.95.Current price is: $194.95.
Original price was: $249.95.Current price is: $169.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $154.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $169.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $154.95.
Original price was: $259.95.Current price is: $154.95.

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