Bowling Ball Videos, Brunswick Bowling Ball Videos
Brunswick Absolute Nirvana Bowling Ball Video Review
Brunswick Absolute Nirvana Bowling Ball From
[addthis tool=”addthis_inline_share_toolbox”]The new Absolute Nirvana has a quick response to the backend and with those stronger angles you can keep moving in without losing carry. This allows you to keep with this ball longer and just keep moving in as the lanes start to transition.
At Brunswick, the unique core shape of each individual ball is used for weights from 14 to 16 pounds. This approach to lightweight ball engineering provides bowlers with consistent ball reaction characteristics across this weight range. At 12 and 13 pounds, Brunswick uses a generic core shape with a RG-differential that is close enough to the 14 to 16 pound shape so the same drilling instructions can be used.
Coverstock: ECS Hook (Enhanced Composite Segmentation)
Weight Block: Nirvana Ultra Low RG
Factory Finish: 500, 1000 Siaair Micro Pad
Flare Potential: High
RG Max: 2.531
RG Min: 2.477
Differential (Diff): .054