Grab a Radical GURU Pearl Limited Bowling Ball from by clicking HERE
Due to the success of the Guru line and continued requests from many of our Radical supporters, we have decided to release the original Guru in a pearl cover – the Guru Pearl Limited. We have taken the most successful ball in our short history and wrapped it with our newest pearl cover technology. The result is an even more versatile Guru that offers a ball motion that is cleaner through the front and more angular on the backend. Without a doubt, the Guru Pearl Limited will be a great addition for anyone who has an original Guru.
Weight Block: Asymmetric with Offset and Scoop Technology
Factory Finish: 500 Siaair, Royal Compound
Flare Potential: High
Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.501
Differential (Diff): .044
Intermediate Differential (Mass Bias): 0.018