Top Ten Best Men’s Physical Games ( 6 – 10 )

By Michael Cousins

We’ve gotten a lot of great, positive feedback on our recent top ten lists. So, as a result, we’re going to be producing more and more of them.

So far, we’ve done our top ten PBA Bowles of all-time and we’ve taken a look at some of the greatest amateurs of all-time.

Today, though, we’ll be doing things a little differently. Today, we’ll be looking at the top ten physical games in the history of the PBA Tour.

This list is based on the bowlers physical games and their physical games alone, for the most part. Though, I will say, if a bowler with a physical game that is on par with another bowler has had less success than another, that bowler will be ranked lower than the bowler that has had more success.

In other words, we didn’t use titles or overall success as a prerequisite to make the top ten list. However, if a bowler with a great physical game had less success than another great physical game, the one that had more success gets the edge in this article.

Today, we’ll be looking at bowlers ten through six on the list.

10) Richie Wolfe – One of the most simple and fundamentally sound physical games of all-time. With a beautiful, free swing, Wolfe was capable of generating quite a bit of effortless power. The fact that this guy never won on the PBA tour blows me away. Truly one of the greatest physical games in the history of the sport.

9) Marshall Kent – Kent combines athleticism and power with finesse and fundamentals as well as anyone on this list. One of the most powerful, yet, simple games on the tour today. As he gets older and wins more and more titles and hones his craft even more, there’s no doubt that he’ll climb this list. And fast.

8) Mike Machuga – In my opinion, one of my two-three favorite physical games of all-time, but due to his lack of overall success on Tour compared to the others ahead of him — though he did manage to win a couple of National Titles — I couldn’t put him any higher on the list than this, but, trust me, I wanted to. Machuga could do anything he wanted to with a bowling ball. A beautiful swing, sound footwork, excellent mechanics, and he was flawless at the line. Physically, he was one of the very best to ever do it.

7) Doug Kent – Another bowler that could make a bowling ball do anything he wanted it to do. Great from any arrow, Kent had an effortless, compact physical game that allowed him to find a great deal of success in his days on the PBA Tour. His simple delivery made repeating shots come easy to Kent.

6) Tommy Jones – The prototypical power game. With arguably the greatest flat spot in the history of the Tour, Jones has one of the most athletic physical games bowling has ever seen. In his prime, he used his legs as well as any bowler on the planet. If it were possible to build the perfect, modern day physical game, it would look a lot like Jones’.

1 thoughts on “Top Ten Best Men’s Physical Games ( 6 – 10 )

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