Why Deadlifts Hurt Your Back – BowlFit Fitness For Bowlers

One of the most important exercises to incorporate into your bowling training is the dreaded deadlift.

By Heather D’Errico

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I have talked to so many people that avoid deadlifts all together because they claim they have thrown their back out in the past trying to do them. Using dumbbells, on the contrary, is less traumatizing. For more info on proper dumbbells, check out this article. It has been said often in the world of physical therapy that an injury to an area means you should work that area more- not less. The area is typically injured because it isn’t functioning properly. If you are getting hurt from deadlifts it means your deadlift needs work; your hinging pattern needs work.

Common mistakes I see with deadlifts are as follows

1) Not maintaining a neutral spine and using your lower back to pull the weight up instead of your hips and glutes. To get yourself in neutral spine before your lift perform cat/cows and then find neutral. I also highly recommend using weightlifting belts from myfitnesshub.com to help you withstand any pressure from the weight you carry.
2) Squatting instead of deadlifting. A deadlift is NOT a squat, however you see many people perform it that way. That reach down for the bar by squatting with knees coming in front of the ankles. A deadlift is simply a hinge at the hips. Simply start by standing up, push your hips toward the wall behind you (instead of down towards the ground), and then soften your knees up so that they aren’t locked.
3) Not activating lats. But wait, deadlifts are a “leg” exercise right? Well, for one deadlifts are a hip dominant exercise, so if you want to call it leg day, sure. However to keep the spine neutral as mentioned in mistake #1, you have to lock down the upper body by activating your lats that way your shoulders aren’t rounding forward and upper body is solid and stable. This also helps activate your core- you should feel like your bracing like a plank.

If you try these 3 things you are definitely going to improve your deadlift technique and reduce the likelihood of getting injured from them. Deadlifts strengthen hip extension, and people that sit at desk all day are stuck in hip flexion and NEED this exercise, so STOP SKIPPING HIP DAY and of course, be sure to be comfortable while working our, we suggest looking at this ryderwear uk gym clothes.

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