Editorials, Michael Cousins Bowling Blog
Thank You For A Great 2017
Today isn’t going to be much of an article, but more of a thank you to all of our loyal shop customers and online customers.
We’re reminded around this time each year — daily, really — how lucky we are to be where we are. And none of that is possible without all of you.
We are in the business of selling bowling equipment, but that business doesn’t exist without you guys — and gals.
At the end of the day, though, many of you have become far more than just a customer; you’ve become BowlersMart extended family.
To those that come into the shops, we see you regularly and talk about all sorts of things — many not even bowling related. In many cases, our relationships go beyond bowling, at this point. And we are all very grateful for that.
To our online shoppers — THANK YOU! Without your support, we’d be nothing. We try to make sure that our products are reasonably priced and that our customer service is top notch. And we hope that both of those have been true for you.
To those that follow us on social media, we hope you enjoy our posts, because we certainly enjoy your dialogue. That is, after all, exactly why we do this. We aren’t just posting things for clickbait. We are trying to open up a dialogue and get the discussions rolling. We read every comment and respond to many. The last year has been a blast!
So as I’m writing this article to say — once again — thank you all and we all look forward to the upcoming New Year with all of you!