The Bowling Ball Playoffs Have Started

By Michael Cousins

So, we’re down to the final four in the NFL. In the AFC Championship, you have New England v. Jacksonville. In the NFC, the Eagles vs the Vikings.

Some of the teams were expected to be here, others, of course not as much, so what I want to do today is a “Ball of the Year: 2017” type bracket.

We’re going to start our list with eight balls that we think are amongst the very best balls of the year. The one restriction will be that each brand is only allowed to have one ball in the top eight.

From there, we’ll get to our semi-finals, then finals, and finally we’ll name our winner.

In this article we’ll only be naming the balls and seeding them. And over the next couple days, we’ll go over the matchups and decide winners until the unofficial Ball of the Year is announced, which will be based on votes. So get your votes in now below.

Before we get started, though, please understand that this list is totally unbiased. There’s no agenda here, other than to name what we consider some really awesome bowling balls. Our list was create based on sales and nothing else, as we try to eliminate objectivity.

So here we go. It’s time to seed the balls (these seedlings don’t reflect their final ranking)!

Oops! We could not locate your form.

Let us know below what your picks are for balls of the year and continue to check back the rest of the week to see the results!

1 thoughts on “The Bowling Ball Playoffs Have Started

  1. Tony Bo says:

    I voted for the DV8 Pitbull and here is why…
    I got my Pitbull from a Get Your Gear Summer League at Strathmore Lanes, NJ.
    I had it drilled by Mr. Tony Norcia at Finnigan’s Lakewood Lanes Pro Shop at the end of September.

    On 11/8 at Finnigan’s I shot 245-300-238 – 783.
    It was my 9th 300 game, but the 1st one in over 13 years.

    On 11/9 at Ocean Lanes in Lakewood I shot 245-300-280 – 825…!!
    My 10th 300 and 3rd & highest 800, but 2nd one was 9 years ago.
    Also 1st time I had 300/800 in the same set.

    I’m 65 years old, and I love my DV8 Pitbull…!!
    Tony Bo

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