Bowling Ball Weight Holes a Thing of the Past…Well Almost

Weight Holes In Bowling Balls Will Be Against The Rules Soon

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So, just like that, weight holes are a thing of the past — at least in part. As of August 1st, bowlers are now allowed to have up to 3oz of static weight without a hole or up to 1oz of static weight with a hole.

If you haven’t seen it yet, Storm did an awesome series on the chances you can expect to see. I strongly recommend you checking that out on YouTube. But, for those of you that haven’t yet seen it, basically they took three Intense Fires, drilled with three layouts that would typically need weight holes, and tested them without and with the hole.

Results were, as you’d expect, varied; depending on the layout, you saw more or less variation.

The common trend, however, was that every ball got into the roll sooner — about one foot sooner, to be exact — thus altering the entry angle a bit. Now, depending on the layout, the change in entry angle varied, but the fact that it started sooner remained the same. Still, though, I would argue that the changes were marginal.

So what can you expect to see different? Honestly, for the average league bowler, I wouldn’t expect much. Yes, there will be variation. Yes, there will be a difference. But I expect most to hardly notice — if at all. On a league condition, these effects will be minuscule at best.

To me, it will be business as usual for most of you.

The Storm video will be linked down below, and once you’ve watched it, let us know what you think. How big of an effect will this have on you and your arsenal? Do you plan on using weight holes still while you can? Or are you going to stop using them? Let us know in the comments!

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