Useful New Bowling Ball Advice

No Such Thing As A Bad Bowling Ball

So, recently, I donated a bowling ball to a youth bowler in need. And the parent was a bit skeptical.

“If you want to get rid of it so bad, it can’t be any good, can it,” she said. I explained to her that just wasn’t the case, and that in most cases I don’t believe in “bad” balls.

Most of the time — more often than not, anyways — if a ball isn’t rolling well, it’s far more likely that, that ball either A) doesn’t match up with you, or B) isn’t laid out properly.

For the most part, balls today are pretty good — all of them. And it is very rare that I ever get what I’d call a “dud.” When I drill a ball for myself that doesn’t roll great, it’s typically because I experimented with the layout or because the ball’s cover was too strong for me to throw where I bowl.

You have to remember: on house shots, even the “worst balls,” by today’s very high standards, are significantly stronger and better than anything that came out 10-15 years ago; we’ve progressed that far.

And that isn’t to say that every ball you drill is going to roll great for you. Bowling is a game of matching up. Whether it’s matching up the ball to your game, matching up the layout to your PAP, or matching up the ball to the condition you’re bowling on, they’re all imperative.

Change The Surface Of Your Bowling Ball Before You Give Up On It

If you give me your favorite ball, I can make it your least favorite by changing the layout or surface. And that’s entirely to do with matching up. If a ball matches up to your game or the conditions you bowl on, I can put that pin in a different spot, change the surface, and all of a sudden your favorite ball isn’t a favorite anymore.

And that’s just how it goes.

Conversely, in most instances, if you bring me a ball you don’t care for, if you have an open mind, I can typically change the layout/surface to match up to you and the center’s conditions a bit more favorably, and your opinion of that ball could totally change.

Far too often, I notice bowlers giving up on balls to quickly. Before they’ve even messed around with the surface, they’re ready to throw it away.

Well, I have news for you, there are very few balls, for me, that roll well out of the box. Based on what I like to see, I basically always have to alter the surface before I bowl with it. In fact, it’s become habitual to scuff any ball I drill before I throw it.

So, essentially, what I’m trying to say here is be patient. Don’t give up on your new ball. Don’t assume that it’s just some “dud.” Because, honestly, you just never know. Take it to your PSO. Explain to them what you’re experiencing, and I’ll guarantee that they can drastically improve your ball reaction just by altering the surface to match up to you and the lanes a bit better.

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