Bowling News
November 11th Is Veterans Day. Do You Know Why? – BVL
And that’s why we remember our Veterans on this solemn day.
The BVL Board will be attending the service at Arlington Cemetery on Monday and laying a wreath at the “Tomb of the Unknowns” in honor of our brave soldiers.
We hope you will take a minute of your day today and also remember our veterans.
Hopefully it will be an opportunity for you to ask your bowlers to pitch in a buck or two to BVL so we can continue doing the work of providing recreational therapy, programs and services to the 3.9 million disabled vets that need your help.
As PTSD grows epidemically among our returning heroes, it has been proven that recreational therapy; arts and crafts, virtual reality games, music and musical instruments as well as many other programs BVL provides play a vital role in helping these men and women better deal with PTSD.
Won’t you help them make progress against this awful malady?
Please go to and make your donation today.
Thank you and God Bless America