Surface Prep On A Bowling Ball By MDM Bowling Coaching

Why Is The Surface Of A Bowling Ball So Important?

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Why is surface important? It accounts for 70% of your bowling ball’s hook motion on the lane. I was talking to Davin Goodrich last week when he came in to get his new Storm Intense drilled. We got on the subject of how he hated his Storm Rocket Ship out of the box. It wasn’t hooking enough. Frustrated at the time, his initial thought was that it needed to be plugged and redrilled. I suggested that we adjust the surface first before changing the layout.

If You Think You Need To Plug And Redrill Your Bowling Ball, First Try Surface Changes

The box finish on the Rocket Ship is 3000 grit. Davin’s higher ball speed and medium rev rate meant that he needed something that started hooking more in the mid-lane so that it finished harder on the backend. We changed the surface to 500 grit using Abralon Pads. Lower grit creates more friction and results in an earlier and smoother hook. Higher grit makes a ball go longer before hooking back, retaining its energy to drive through the pocket.

Surface Changes Make The Bowling Ball Completely Different

Adjusting the surface made the Rocket Ship Davin’s favorite ball even though it started as one that he hated. He regularly shoots 700 with it in league. He used the rocket ship during his highest series to date of 766, which was also the night he shot his second 300. Stories like Davin’s are why we love what we do and pride ourselves in the relationships we create with our customers. If you’re looking for your equipment to do something differently, come by and we’ll be happy to help! #protipfriday #mdmcoaching #abralon #surface #stormbowling


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