Bowling Ball Videos, DV8 Bowling Ball Videos
DV8 PitBull Bowling Ball Video Review
learn about the DV8 pitbull bowling ball
Introducing the DV8 Pitbull bowling ball
[addthis tool=”addthis_inline_share_toolbox”]Meet the ballers best friend, the new DV8 Pitbull. The Pitbull introduces a new core with the composite bite reactive shell. This combo gives the Pitbull a huge footprint in oil allowing this ball to be aggressive on the heaviest of oil conditions.
Performance: Maximum Hook.
Lane Condition: Ideal for Heavy Oil.
Ball Maintenance To reduce oil absorption and remove dirt from the surface of the ball, clean your ball with a cleaner designed for reactive bowling balls immediately after each session.
Warranty: Two years from date of purchase.
The black/violet/neon green Pitbull matches our new Composite Bite coverstock with a new low RG/high differential asymmetric core to produce maximum hook motion on heavy oil lane conditions. The Pitbull chews through heavy oil patterns making it a baller’s best friend when more aggressive ball motion in needed. Compared to the original Grudge, the Pitbull is 3-4 boards more total hook.
Core Type: Pitbull Low RG Asymmetric
Coverstock: Composite Bite
Finishing Steps: 500 / 1000 Siaair Micro Pad
Weights: 12-16 lbs.
Asymmetrical Diff: 0.020 @ 15 lbs.
RG Min:2.486 @ 15 lbs.
RG Differential: 0.055 @ 15 lbs.
For more info or to purchase from click HERE
This ball is a hook monster in oil. Smooth through the front and starts to pick up mid-lane. for a while the DV8 Grudge was the most hooking ball in my bag that was a solid coverstock. This Pitbull is several boards more hook than the grudge. I can even give the ball a little polish and its perfect for league night.
here is my youtube video review of the pitbull
kevin blackmer