With The New Quantum Bias Bowling Ball Out Lets Relive Some of the Past Quantums

A New Quantum Bowling Ball Brings Back Memories

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Due to the release of the all new Quantum Bias, on today’s FBF we’re going to be looking back at some of the most iconic Quantum’s of all-time.

There are tons to choose from, but I am only going to highlight a few.

Up first, the Quantum Helix.

The Quantum Helix came in both LH and RH, and the stripe placement differed on both, according to the LH/RH track. The ball, at the time, was considered revolutionary and the future. Obviously now we know that this method of construction didn’t last long, and it certainly isn’t used in modern equipment, but, none the less, it is one of the more interesting balls of its period. Also, as it stands today, it is one of the more valuable gems in the market, which is primarily due to nostalgia more so than actual competitive viability.

Next we’ll be looking at my favorite, and one of the recent remakes, the Fire Quantum.

If like me you grew up playing the old Brunswick Pro Circuit bowling game, you know how sick this ball was: in the game and on the lanes. In terms of performance, for me, it was the most impressive Quantum made. The looks didn’t hurt, either, as that candy apple red really popped in it’s day. It was the combination of its performance and it’s shelf appeal that made it a legend.

Lastly, we’ll be looking at the Forrest Quantum.

It’s the OG Quantum. It started it all. How could it not make the list? Personally, I preferred the Navy, but — never the less — this icon had to get the edge. And it’s not like it wasn’t a great ball — it was. And in many ways, without it, we wouldn’t have had the others. Which has to count for something. And since we’re doing this in honor of the new Quantum Bias, we have to put the ball that created the namesake on this list.

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