Using Your Legs To Improve Your Bowling Game With MDM Bowling Coaching

Increase Your Bowling Score By Using Your Legs

Consistent Bowling Starts With The Legs

Everybody thinks that your upper body is the key to bowling well. However, in order to throw the bowling ball consistently and accurately, there are three key physical components that need to work correctly:

3 Things to Remember For Better Bowling

1) Direction/Arm Swing
2) Revs/Hand Rotation
3) Power/Legs

All three need to be working together in order to optimize performance and prevent injury. We’re going to focus on legs today because that’s where your power comes from. If you watch any hand/eye coordinated game that involves throwing an object, you’ll notice that energy is all derived from the athlete’s legs.

A lot of people I start working with try to create power with their upper body, resulting in an inaccurate release. When people don’t use their legs correctly (you might see someone leaning forward with their upper body vs getting low with their legs), a lot of time they might injure themselves, get tired a lot faster, or have trouble repeating shots. Relying on one’s upper body doesn’t create athletic ability.

So how do you use your legs properly in bowling? You need to have a consistent approach so that when you lunge in to your slide and transfer that energy to the ball, your upper body is calm and focused on hitting a target. Your legs start with your hips, so focus on your hips as you’re getting to lunge to the foul line. You should try not to lean with your upper body but your upper body should feel like it’s taller AND lower because you’re able to get closer to the ground by using your legs. Your knee should be continuing at the end of your slide to maintain momentum at the foul line. You should be more balanced at the foul line from one shot to another.

In the video, you’ll notice that in “Strong Legs” example my legs are calmer, and my trail leg is off to the side more to create a more balanced approach. In the other video, I end a little taller at the foul line and I didn’t look confidently balanced. The differences may seem subtle but the impact on my game is significant. A good way to understand how to use your legs properly is by doing a one-step drill focusing on lunging to the foul line. Your legs should feel a little sore after a practice session – like a good workout. #mdmcoaching #iambowlersmart #bowling #legs

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