Roto Grip Defiant LRG Bowling Ball Core

Sometimes evolution can spark new life into technology from yesteryear. Such is the case with our latest introduction to the HP4 Line of balls. With recent more in-depth studies of flare migration and core tendencies we circled the wagons back to the Defiant Series of bowling balls which featured a core ahead of its time regarding flare migration in order to create a longer constant motion. Upon further review and testing, we found that by altering the composite of this core shape, we were able to create the fastest revving, strongest continuing, lowest RG asymmetrical core we have ever offered in the history of ever now known as the DEFIANTâ„¢ LRG CORE.

Core Type - Asymmetric

roto grip defiant lrg core bowling ball videos

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Roto Grip Bowling Balls With the defiant lrg coreClick Here to Return To Roto Grip Cores

Original price was: $299.95.Current price is: $179.95.
Original price was: $269.95.Current price is: $149.95.