Track Symmetric Bowling Ball Core

A high RG and lower differential core to the Track line offers unbelievable ball motion. The core gets down the lane with ease, and produces remarkable recovery and a sweeping backend motion. You’ll also be surprised at how versatile and usable the core makes the balls it is in. 

Core Type - Symmetric

track symmetric core bowling ball videos

Bowling Ball Videos The Hype - Bowling Ball Reviews Track Bowling Ball Videos

Better than the OG? | The Track Tundra Fire on 42 ft Pattern | The Hype

Bowling Ball Videos Chris Beans Bowler's Rant Track Bowling Ball Videos

What’s Your Fire? | Track | Tundra Fire

Bowling Ball Videos Chris Beans Bowler's Rant Track Bowling Ball Videos

Track Kinetic Cobalt | Tundra Fire | HK22 Hybrid & Pearl added to the line-up!

Track bowling balls with the symmetric coreClick Here to Return To Track Cores

Original price was: $229.95.Current price is: $104.95.